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Bullying Information and Prevention

The district prohibits bullying on school property, at school-sponsored or school-related activities, or in any vehicle operated by the district. Bullying may be verbal or written expression or expression through electronic means, or physical conduct.  Bullying is not tolerated by the district and any student or parent of a student who believes that the student or another student has experienced bullying or that a student has engaged in bullying is encouraged to immediately report the incident.  Retaliation against anyone involved in the complaint process is a violation of district policy and is prohibited.

Anonymous Reporting

Stop it Solutions

Students or parents may report an alleged incident of bullying, orally or in writing, to a teacher, counselor, principal or other district employee.  Additionally, parents and students have the option to report bullying online using the STOPit app.

With STOPit, users can submit anonymous reports containing text, photos, or video. Administrators are then able to manage incidents in a backend management system. This system provides efficient and powerful investigative tools to staff, including the ability to message with the reporter, which will allow Navarro ISD to address issues instantly. To access STOPit and make an anonymous report:

  • Download the app from the App Store or Google Play and use corresponding access code for the District. Information and phone app access codes are available via posters put up around the district and by contacting campus counselors.

  • Web-based reporting is available as well. To make a report, visit App Web and enter the campus access code.

Please keep in mind, STOPit is not an emergency response service. If you believe your call requires immediate police, fire, or paramedic response, call 9-1-1. STOPit does not provide counseling or clinical advice. If you feel you need this type of attention, please seek the assistance of a qualified clinical or medical professional.


  • Is STOPit really anonymous?

    STOPit is truly anonymous. The school has no ability to identify the submitter of a report or message. At their discretion, an end user may choose to voluntarily provide identifying information in the content of their report or message.

    What student information does the school or user need to provide to STOPit?

    None! STOPit does not require any end user information whatsoever. Information provided by STOPit app users is also kept private and secure. Please read our Privacy Policy. To learn more about the commitment to keeping data provided by students safe, learn more about the Student Privacy Pledge, to which STOPit is a signatory.

    Can STOPit be used by children under the age of 13?

    The STOPit app (and its browser-based version) may be used by children under the age of 13. Navarro ISD urges parents to contact the school's administration to learn more about how the school uses STOPit and the data we provide them.

    Who receives the reports my child submits via STOPit?

    Reports and Messenger messages will be received by the contacts designated by the school and district administrators.

    Can I as a parent, teacher or community member use STOPit?

    Yes, parents, teachers and community members can make an anonymous report via the STOPit app or through the desktop reporting link.

    I have additional questions about STOPit, who can I contact?

    You can contact any of our campus counselors with question or concerns.